I feel like letting loose about the clothes I love to keep and the ones I am parting with. Hopefully, you’ll learn something about responsibly shopping as well as getting the most out of your closet. Going to get down and dirty about how to Schmatta Shrink your closet, how to steer clear of wallet vampires and closet claustrophobia while learning about people.

Also, this is a place for people to connect over details they are absolutely obsessed with in film or music videos, whether that is Madonna’s lip liner in “Bad Girl”, the layered meaning of hard-handled bags, the anime opening in Toni Braxton’s “He Wasn’t Man Enough”, or Gwyneth’s key tray in A Perfect Murder.

Also, please make sure to watch #NEVERWORNS on YouTube.

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Talking about nothing and yet everything. How to Schmatta Shrink your closet. Avoiding wallet vampires and closet claustrophobia.


Fashion writer, girl with a hulking mic the size of a PLANET. I am the creator of #NEVERWORNS...You may have seen my byline in Vogue...marinated there for almost 9 years.
I’m an Author, Artist, Filmmaker 🎬⭐️ & Founder of The Sex Ed 🍑💦 I’m also an OG Nepo Baby🍼 I’ve written 3 books about Sex 📚now spilling the 🫖 about Hollywood … STARF⭐️CKER 💕🖕🏼