#NEVERWORNS on a Failed Vogue Internship and a Reformation Sweatshirt with Emilia Petrarca
A new closet cleanse YouTube episode is below!

A new season of low-fi, raw, and honest #NEVERWORNS is back. This video series is about people’s clothes and why the hell they do not wear them. One person who has been on my hit list: Fashion writer
who has a tidy, well-researched way of writing but with searingly delicious quotable bites and takes. She quit The Cut last year on January 6…and fun fact, I left Vogue the same day. Twinning! Since then, she has been writing for the likes of The New York Times where she churned out a great piece about the rise of the name Emily, an actual good take on “Mob Wife Aesthetic” for Harper’s Bazaar, and has a Father Yod-like following of avid fashion lovers on her Substack Shop Rat.Like her writing, a subversive little freak bleeds through in her proper look. What tame girl wears a skirt suit in 2024? Prim secretarial shirts buttoned up to the collar? I’m not sure. So, I wanted to explore! What does Emilia really NOT wear? And why? What untouched clothes have been languishing in the depths of her closet? Why won’t she part with them? And what stories do they tell? The videographer John Filmanowicz and I shot a #NEVERWORNS episode in her apartment and she unearthed five very different pieces: a cursed Reformation sweater that says “So Much Internet To Do”, a Miu Miu leopard print puffer, a cursed Tibi dress that she didn’t get a Vogue internship in, and more. As I always say, it’s not so “keep and toss” with closet cleansing. There are layers to why we keep things. I love doing this series because I adore bringing clothes and stories to you.
Full Emilia audio coming next week, which we stripped from the closet cleansing process. And, of course, more #NEVERWORNS episodes coming soon.
Woahuu! Loved this! I just had a job interview for a dream job this week which didn't go very well and did the same to buy something quickly last minute to look and feel my best, but because it was kinddaaa expensive for me, I kept the price tag on and will return it. But, this interview makes me feel a bit better about this whole experience because even the best and coolest can fail sometimes at some things and still afterwards make a name for themselves and rock it! Thank you to you both, really inspiring
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